About Me

I am A Chartered Certified Accountant who does a bit of gardening.
The Pictures of the flowering and non-flowering plants, fruits, vegetables, culinary & aromatic herbs
in this blog are of my garden.
Most of my garden collections are driven by the Fs: They either Flower, have a Fragrance, provide Flavor, bring Fruit, Food or are air Freshening.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

A Rainbow Themed Garden

I have a small space for gardening but my passion for gardening is big. I therefore resorted to container gardening and maximizing the little garden space I had. I have a random collection in some parts of my compound and a rainbow coloured theme on the other.

From the small space, I tried the rainbow theme. See below. 

My rainbow themed garden

I constructed a flower bed alongside the perimeter wall and tried the same theme. Below are the flowers I used for the rainbow theme inside the compound:

Purple Trailing Lantana

Purple Mexican Heather

Blue Daze Evolvulus

Blue Aster Frikatii (Left) & Blue Daze Evolvulus (right)

Yellow Lantana

Orange Crossandra Infundibuliforms
Orange and Red Lantana


Click this link for an article Katiso’s rainbow-themed container garden
Katiso’s rainbow-themed container garden

Katiso in her garden. Photo by Constance Obonyo.