I was privileged to be part of his audience on the 9th October 2013
where he spoke in a business forum under the theme “business leadership in the
21st century’”. In celebrating Dr. Miles Munroe’s life, I share my bullet point
The key to wealth
- Think beyond your JOB. There is no future in any JOB; the future is in the one who holds the JOB
- Create your business in your JOB. Make yourself disciplined in your WORK
- Never confuse your WORK to be your JOB
- Your JOB is what you were trained to do; your WORK is what you were born to do
- Your JOB is your career; your WORK is your life assignment
- Your JOB is your skill; your WORK is your gift
- You can retire from your JOB; you can never retire from your WORK
- JOBs prepare you for your WORK
- JOBs are temporary; WORK is permanent
- You can be fired from your JOB; but you can never be fired from you WORK
- You can retire from your JOB; but you can never retire from your WORK
- Your WORK protects you from your JOB
- Your WORK is your seed
- It is God who gives you the ability to produce wealth. God does not give bread but seed
- You are always in control of your; mentality, thoughts, mind and perception
- Leaders don’t wait, they initiate. Whoever initiates controls.
- Leaders make things happen
The power of perception
- Whatever you call or label a thing, that is what it becomes to you. Whatever a thing is to you controls your response to it
- Controlled perception is not denial of reality but the control of one’s response to reality
- It is not what happens to you that matters, it’s what you do about it
What is business
Business is exchange of:-
- Product for value
- Service for value
- Ideas for value
- Talent for value
- Knowledge for value
- Program for value
- Solutions for value
Business is simply solving problems for value.
Your Value
- If you want to be successful, do not seek success, seek to become a person of value and you will never be broke.
- Value is making yourself significant by refining your gift
- You do exploits by pursuing knowledge
- Become a consultant in your area
- You are a walking business
- You get what you negotiate
Your gift
- Your gift is personal but never private
- Whatever vision God gives you, you can do
- Your deployment creates employment
Foundations of wealth
- Agriculture (Fruit & Food)
- Water
- Gold
- Resin (Oil, Fuel)
- Onyx (Precious stones)
The primary assignment
- Dominion over resources
- Management of the earth’s resources
- Extension of the culture of Heaven & Earth
- Divine strategy
The greatest secret
- Every human being came to earth with a treasure of greatness to deliver to their generation
- You were born with treasure of greatness that your generation needs
- You were born with treasure. Do not die with your treasure
- The greatest secret to success is discovery of your personal treasure
Random Quotes
- Principles are more important than techniques, facts and methods
- Leave your legacy in people
- True leaders mentor their replacement
- People is business
- Our greatest resources are our intellect
- GNP measures the economic success of a country
- Crisis is the cradle of creativity
- Crisis and pressure are the incubators of innovation
- Problems create business
- Unemployment is lazy thinking
- Entrepreneurs are people who discover problems they can solve
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